Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Isn't this just the cutest thing you have ever seen? This is my idea of the home I would have (except it needs a big porch or a deck on the back). I would also want a couple of acres of land to go with it for my CHICKENS that lay eggs (don't laugh, I AM going to get my chickens one day). This is a rental home in Lancaster co. PA. We enjoyed our vacation in PA soooooo much that we are wanting to go back and when we do, I want this house to be where we stay. Some of you know that Charleston, SC is our favorite place to go, well I think maybe Lancaster is moving to the top of the list. It is so peaceful there. There's plenty of stores,etc., but all you have to do is drive just a few hundred feet down any road and you are in the country. I mean real country with rolling hills with cows, and good ole dairy farms....mmmmmmm I miss that wonderful homemade ice cream from Lapps farm. My favorite ice cream now is maple is wonderful. You know Marble Slab and Cold Stone has nothing on those guys. I am missing me some Amish ways....maybe we SHOULD have been Amish???? Maybe somewhere down the line we have a little Amish blood in us??? I'm just teasing, but I love that slower pace of life. On second thought, I don't know if it's slower pace they sure do seem to work hard. This is a picture of the field behind the farm and of us eating the wonderful homemade ice cream from Lapp's farm. I included a sign just for the fun of it because I will probably never get around to scrap booking these pictures. I am just in a reminiscing and wishful mood today...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I, too am going to have laying hens again some day. I had a whole brood when I was a child. So far I can't get Lance to let me have them in the back yard......maybe if food prices go up high enoughHA:)!