Monday, April 20, 2009

A Reminder

Phil and I were able to head to Charleston this past weekend by ourselves. We really needed some time for just us due to all the changes in our lives. I know I needed some time to revive myself and get ready for our last month of school.

While we were in Charleston, I saw a neat little saying. The saying went something like this, "Sometimes the most important things in life get left out, take time for yourself." Well, isn't that the truth? We rush, rush, rush and make sure we take care of everyone and then we don't take care of ourselves like we should. We don't make time to do something fun for ourselves. When we don't take time for something we want to do or need to do, it seems we allow ourselves to get run down. I know when I go, go, go and don't stop to take a breath for myself I end up being very unhappy. I just go through the motions of life and I don't really enjoy what I am doing for others. However, if I make sure I give myself some time each day, I seem to enjoy being around others more. I also want to teach my kids new things and I want to go have fun with them.

A long time ago I remember listening to Dr. Dobson on the radio and he made it a point to say a mother needed an outing AT LEAST once per week and that outing did not include the grocery store. The outing is meant to be a date with her husband, reading a book, seeing a movie, going for a walk, etc. It's for the MOTHER. I know it may not seem possible to get to do something each week, but surely we can find a few minutes a day to use for ourselves. Oh, I know all this already, but sometimes I need a good reminder. I am going to try my best to talk to God first every day. My goal is to walk first thing in the morning and spend some time with my heavenly Father. I know this is the best thing for me and my family. When I take time for the Lord and myself first thing, it seems that I can get through the day a lot easier because he is guiding my footsteps and helping me along the way.

I need to remember that I am not only serving man, I am serving the Lord. Am I looking at each new day as a glorious opportunity to serve God and do His will? Am I excited about the possibilities for service that God has placed before me at home, church, school, community, etc? Here's the kicker....I am the recipient of Christ's sacrificial love and I should accept it and share it fervently.

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