I have found it! I have found the tried and true way to save all the money you want. I bet you know too. Maybe you knew and forgot. Maybe you knew all along and didn't tell me. Well, it came to me that if you stay busy you will save money. You won't have time to even look at the sale papers to see if there is a deal. You can also lose weight this way because you don't have time to eat. You don't have time to buy groceries either. Of course staying busy can backfire on you and you end up eating out and that might not help you save money at all. Also, you grab whatever you need when you have the chance to go to the store. But for me, staying busy saves me money.Did you know? The exclamation of "Eureka!" is attributed to Archimedes, who is said to have cried out "Eureka! eureka!" (I have found it! I have found it!), upon suddenly discovering a method of finding out how much the gold of King Hiero's crown had been alloyed. Hence, an expression of triumph concerning a discovery.
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