Monday, September 8, 2008

The Day of Firsts

Today is Phil's first day at his new job!YAY!
Today is the first day Phil and I prayed together before he left for his new job
Today is the first day Phil doesn't have to take the recycling bin to the road because he had to leave so early
Today is the first day I only have to work 1 1/2 hours
Today is the first day of cubscouts
Today is the first day I can homeschool by myself
Today is the first day I read my devotion in several days (shame on me)

Maybe today is the first day of our new "normal". It may take getting a little used to, but I am so thankful Phillip has a job. I don't mind that he has to leave alot earlier than before. I know it will be different and I will have to learn to juggle the kids around in the evenings from here to there sometimes with out him. Tomorrow Michael has a football game that he won't get to go to and that is a little sad for me, but we will adjust.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wow he got a job fast! Congrats!!! My hubby is still out of work, but he is looking into self-employment so our budget will be tight for a while!