Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I have sat here all day

Don't get me wrong, I thank the Lord for this job I have. I work for a legitimate company that contracts out jobs. The bottom line is that I have to sit here at this desk on the computer and phone with a headset to my ear. I really do like the job and I am able to schedule hours when I need to. Nobody tells me I have to work a certain schedule. I have been doing this for almost 1 year now, but I would only work very few hours per week. I have actually worked no hours during the week before. Well, this week I scheduled myself 40 HOURS since Phil is still in the process of finding his job. You know God has the job already lined up, we are just having to wait on the phone call from the company telling him when he can start. Getting back to what I was saying....I have sat here for 6 hours in this same spot. I did get a 10 min. break and I did run to the potty a couple of times. IT JUST AINT RIGHT!!!! I spoke to Phil about his season of homeschooling earlier and he said he enjoys teaching the kids, but when he gets done he is just ready to sit down because he is TIRED!!! THANK YOU!!!! I don't feel bad now because that is exactly what I want to do, of course that is usually not the option. Then it's time for gymnastics or football or time to cook supper or something else. He stated it didn't feel right to him either by him schooling the kids. DO you want to know why? Because he has been ordered by God to work and I have been ordered by God to school the kids. It's really a little funny. You would think we would be worried about the money.......nooooo we are tired of the roles being reversed and it has only been just a few days!!! There will definitely be some celebrating in this house when things are back to "normal".

I have a praise report. Several of the men at our church do not have jobs. We had special prayer for one lady and her husband Sunday and we believed that the Lord was going give him a job. She called me to let me know he has a job! He builds houses, so we are going to keep praying that he will keep building one right after another. God is good. We are still praying for several others to get jobs at our church and for our friends. GOD IS GOING TO SUPPLY THOSE NEEDS!
On to other happenings. I wanted to let everyone know that I have been putting my name in the hat for several drawings that different ladies do on their blogs and guess what?
You many be asking what did she win? Who cares, I won something! I have never won many things in my life. Ok I am excited about what it is. It is a new movie called, Frank. Go HERE to check it out and go HERE to visit the blog where I signed up for it. Thanks so much Laura.

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