Friday, August 8, 2008


My husband lost his job today. It's easy to have faith for someone else when they are going through trials, but it seems to be a little tougher when it happens to you. I sometimes wonder how I will react when "bad" things happen. Well, through it all God is still the owner of everything. It's not things, people, or jobs that provide for us. God does the providing through certain things. I know God will provide for us and I want us to continue to be in the center of His will. I want to share 2 scriptures that I come across that have just really hit me strong.

Psalm 34:10 Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing

Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass

We are at peace and I thank for Lord for it.

Well, this gives me the opportunity to really seek those deals out now, huh? I am very thankful for our stockpile at least we don't have to worry about hygiene products, condiments, school supplies,cereal, or snacks right now! I will definitely make our dollars scream now and I might not be in the road as much.


Jennifer said...

We are praying for you! I really DO know how you feel!!!

Tracie said...

We will be praying for you also.

Melissa said...


Sorry to hear that your hubby lost his job. I can definitely relate! We found out a couple of months ago that my hubby will loose his job 9/5.
When God allows a door to close He always opens another! I know the Lord has plans for you. Jeremiah 29:11
My husband has decided to use this as an opportunity to proceed with his dream job. I am scared as it involves him having his own business. I will be praying for you, pray for me! :)

Thanks for visiting my blog!

