Friday, March 26, 2010

Frugal Friday

I'm going to try and post a frugal tip each Friday. We will see how it goes. I would love for my tips to be something I have tried, but at times it may be something I have just read about. Today's topic is frugal fun! I'll list a few ideas. Maybe you have done a few of these already, maybe you know more of what to do, but the ideas are endless.

1. Have an Easter egg hunt at night. I bought 16 glow in the dark eggs the other day for this activity. I can hardly wait to do this with the kids.

2. Fly a kite. Melanie has a kite that was bought for $1.00 and all the kids have been flying it.

3. Do something special for others. This is the perfect time to make a little Easter basket of goodies and give it to someone special. Someone who may need a visit. We visited an elderly couple just yesterday. We did not even bring anything, just ourselves, and everyone had a wonderful time!

4. Begin a family journal with pictures of what you do this spring/summer.

5. Look at old photo albums and talk about past events together.


Kathy Stanton said...

Where did you get your glow in the dark easter eggs? Were they expensive?

Frugal Home School Mom said...

Easley WalMart. 16 candy filled eggs for $5.00