Saturday, March 27, 2010

Easter Plans

I absolutely enjoy Easter. I love everything about it, so of course I try to make it special for the kids. I woke up early this morning quite by accident and couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to start my research on what we will be doing this coming up week (better late than never I suppose). I had an idea so I knew where to look on-line. I would like to share a few things and maybe you will enjoy doing them with your kiddies too. I am NOT superwoman so sometimes we do not do all the things I have planned. I tend to OVER plan a times!

Planned crafts

1. Clay pot Jesus- This is adorable and I love the fact that it has nothing to do with the Easter bunny. Check it out HERE.
2. Yarn Eggs- I hope to get to try this with the girls. It seems really neat. We have lots of yarn around here since the females in the house has gotten in to crochet. Check it out HERE
3. Sock Hop- This cute little craft was done in one of the classes at our co-op and they turned out so cute! Check it out HERE

Planned lessons

1. I like to explain the Jewish holiday of Passover and will use information from the book, Celebrating Biblical Feasts. This book came with our curriculum last year. You can look at what we used HERE if you would like. There's tons of information on the Internet of course, but I liked the information on Kaboose also. Click HERE to see if it's something you would be interested in using. We will also make a couple of jewish recipes from the same site.

2. I will read from the Bible and we will also make resurrection cookies. You make the cookies the night before. Click HERE I'm thinking we made these about 5 years ago. I can not believe it's been that long! If you have not done this with your children, I highly recommend it. Michael and Madison still talk about making these. You talk about each ingredient that is added and I believe because of this, they remember! If you don't have time to do anything else, you need to do this. You and your kids will not forget it.

3. There's something else you can do and I do not remember the name of it. It represents Jesus not being in the tomb after 3 days. You take a marshmallow and wrap a crescent roll around it. Bake it and the marshmallow is G O N E. My kids enjoy this activity too, especially getting to eat the rolls!

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