Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Deals I Missed

I shopped a little yesterday and found the following sales worth mentioning.

Aldi-block cheese $1.29 and milk $2.89 They still have their bag salad for $.99

BiLo-whole bean coffee buy one get one free.

I also did what I said I wasn't going to do. I went to CVS and stocked up. I was able to get:

5 bottles of body wash
2 tubes of toothpaste
5 bottles of shampoo

all for around $6.00 I only was going to do the body wash (we really are down to our last bit of soap), but I couldn't resist. I splurged and spent $1.96 on the 5 bottles of shampoo (it was the good kind...Herbal Essence). The toothpaste was free for me!! I now have my ECBs up to $8.00. I actually didn't have ANY for about 2 months. I didn't see anything worth spending money on and I just wasn't up to the effort.

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