Friday, January 22, 2010

Where has the time gone?

This week I visited a few old friends in Ladson. This is Veronica pictured with me. I met her in 1989 and became close friends quickly. I would visit her and a few other friends once or twice a month back in 1990. We would laugh like crazy and just act dumb. I can really let my hair down with her and can tell her anything. She always would confide in me also. Well, as life would have it, things happened and I lost touch with Veronica and a few others. Through the years I would send a card and every so often I would call. I even saw her in 2004 when she celebrated her life (she had a kidney transplant and her husband was the donor). I can't believe it's been 20 years since I have just hung out with her. 20 years is wayyyy to long. This past Christmas I also got in touch with a long lost friend who was in my wedding. I guess this is the year for searching out those that have meant a lot to me through the years and getting back in touch with them. I must say, I am so blessed to have long term friends and time has not erased the special bond between us. When I walked in her door, it's like I had never been gone. I love Veronica and her family very much. She has a great husband, great children (grown), and wonderful friends. Veronica has had a lot of health problems, but that has not changed her sense of humor. I think it's only made her stronger and a better person. I hope I do a better job with keeping in touch the next 20 years!!

1 comment:

Tracie said...

I know how fast the time flies. At Thanksgiving I had the chance to reconnect with a friend that I had not seen in 16 years!! I'm so glad that you enjoyed your visit!!