Monday, June 30, 2008

Being Thankful

I woke up this morning thinking about what a wonderful weekend we had. I am so thankful for many things.

1. I am thankful for a great time with my brother-in-law. We had an awesome conversation about the Lord sitting at our dinner table last night.

2. I am thankful that our family has a relationship with God, and that includes my brother-in-law. Thank you, Lord.

3. I am thankful for the children in my life, which includes my own and all the others that I know. It inspires me to see how happy and simple their lives are and how it can be for us. Live a little and let go, blow air into your cup with a straw and hear it bubble, you know it's fun!!! Plus IT'S SUMMER!!!!!

4. I am thankful for my husband. God give him to me and he is a gift from the Lord. It was great to spend time with him this weekend and just watch him interact with our children. I especially enjoyed watching him at VBS in front of everyone being silly. He was FUNNY!

5. I am thankful for my parents. They are one of the reasons I am serving the Lord.

6. I am thankful for my new church family, especially my Sunday School class. Those women are very special to me and we are nurturing our relationship each week. When they hurt, I hurt with them.

7. I am thankful for the rain, we sure need it.

8. I am thankful that we stuck it out in home schooling. It was a rocky start, but we still knew it was the Lord's will. It's such an awesome feeling to know that we are in God's will. It's great to see our children learn to read, count, diagram a sentence, and know that with God's help we taught them most of what they know ( a little scary to know that too..haha).

9. I am thankful for another beautiful day, summer, a soft bed to sleep in, food to eat, friends, and that all my physical needs are met.

10. I am thankful for the internet. It could be a bad thing, but for me it gives me a job (when I want to work), it allows me to see the deals so I can save money, it allows me to keep in touch with those I love, it provides a wealth of information at my fingertips about home schooling, the Bible, etc.

11. I am thankful for my pastor and his wife. I love them both dearly. Faye is really a sweet lady and I am so glad that I know her.

12. I am thankful that my children have friends. For the longest time I worried about that.

This is only a short list because I am thankful for many, many, many more things, but these things were really on my mind today and I wanted to share. God is so good.

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