Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm Really Not A Scrooge!

It seems that I always dread this time of year. It comes way too fast and no matter how ahead I think I am, I'M NOT! Our church had two floats in a Christmas parade and won the trophy for first prize. The trophy made it to the front of the church for all to see. In order to light the advent candles, it was sit right in front of the manger scene with Santa on top of that big trophy waving. Now I know this act was not on purpose by no means, but it DID get me thinking.

For the most part, that is exactly how it really is. Santa waving, overpowering the most important part of the season, CHRIST. Oh, now don't get me wrong, I enjoy buying gifts, riding around to see the lights, putting up our tree and other decorations, and all the other things that we do this time of year. I also think too much emphasis is sometimes placed on all the extra things to do and the meaning behind them gets pushed aside, just like Baby Jesus being BEHIND Santa last Sunday morning. I have been reading a book that gives the meaning behind our Christmas traditions. It does help to know WHY we do the things we do. I think sometimes we do certain things at Christmas because it is expected of us. It gets so busy that I catch myself checking off my "to do" list and think, "NEXT." Somehow we need to slow down and REALLY dwell on the significance of Christmas. Let's not just read the Christmas story because it's tradition. Let's think about what it means and how the "characters" really must have felt. Let's not just have a play at church because that's what we've always done. Let's seek out from the Lord a way to minister to someone who needs something from the Savior. There's many things that you can do to bring the true meaning up and out right in FRONT of Santa. He can still be there and all the other things too, but let's see how we can bring more meaning and realization to what the Lord has done for us.

I thank the Lord that we home school. It gives us an opportunity and more time to teach the kids what this season is about. Yes, we have a tree and Santa does visit, there's laughter, picture taking, and lots of fun. Yet, there's always time for Jesus and hopefully he is out front where he should be. Maybe one day instead of Santa waving at the end of a parade, it will be THAT would be something!

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