Friday, May 30, 2008

Starting Over

When I began this blog a few months back, I was just goofing off. Since then, I have found a lot of websites that have really helped me save money and I thought maybe others would benefit from them. I do know that there are a lot of other blogs out there that typically have the same things on them, but maybe someone that homeschools and needs to save money too can use the information that I have on this blog.
I know being new to homeschooling can be a huge endeavor and maybe now I can help someone else. Our family could never homeschool if it wasn't for putting our trust in the Lord. For years I knew I wanted to homeschool and we began when our first son was in kindergarden. I still had to work up until the spring of 2006. The Lord allowed me to be home with the kids full-time after that. Since then, I have cleaned a couple of homes, kept a couple of kids, and also worked a few hours doing phone work. I don't really HAVE to do any of this, but the extra money does give us a little extra for the little things here and there. WE are very careful with the money the Lord has provided and believe that he wants us to be good stewards of everything that he has given us. I ask myself, "do we really need this?" For example, I used to not think anything by going to the drive-thru and ordering several drinks when all of us were thirsty. By thinking ahead, we usually bring water bottles with us or if we really want a soda we get a 12 pack of can drinks or a 2 liter. Small things like this adds up and that's how I can stay at home with the children and teach them. It's just a matter of sacraficing little things here and there. Over the years our thinking has really changed. We no longer want or feel we need a new vehicle to drive, go out to eat several times a week, or even have access to every channel that's available to us (we do not have cable or anything). We have 1 cell phone that we share, which is good for us for now.
I hope I can keep up with this blog thing and if not, oh well. We are a busy family and do many things!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yay!! A new blog to read! I am so excited! I am planning on doing a better job with mine, right after Noah's Ark is done for the year:).