Friday, August 29, 2008


When you have to be in church all day, it doesn't take much to occupy a child during a free moment. There were escalators at the Sommet Center in Nashville where our church's assembly was held and our kiddos had great time on them. At first Melanie was a little frightened, but it wasn't long until she warmed up to the idea of a free ride on moving steps! We didn't have to go far or spend any money for them to have a good time. We did, however, have to make sure they weren't in any one's way which wasn't too much of a problem. We also had to encourage a little girl to go with one of the leaders to go find her parents! I don't know if she had wandered away from them or what, but she would rather be playing on the escalator, so I guess our kids weren't the only ones enjoying the ride. So the next time you are near an escalator be on the look out because you may see our family enjoying the free entertainment and we will try not to get in your way (maybe encourage you to take time and slow down a little to have fun with us)! By the way, the little girl that was lost did get back with her family.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

LOVE the new wallpaper!!! Where did you get it????