Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Bilo Trip

If you know me well enough, you know I have to get a deal this week. I was away from my coupons over a week! YIKES!! I was pleasantly surprised that I did not think about shopping while we were on vacation, however every time we saw a CVS the kids would go crazy in the hopes I would NOT stop. I contained myself until Sunday. I just HAD to go in for the fun of it just to take a picture and say I went to a CVS in Virginia. I know I need help, but it's fun. Hey, but I know of people who do take their coupons with them on vacation, so I haven't gotten that bad yet! Well, here's what I got at Bi-Lo Tuesday night before there sale from last week ended.

total before savings $108.76
my savings $73.98
my total $.34.78


20 bags of steamfresh veggies
6 packs Land o Frost lunch meat
6 packs Tennessee Pride sausage
3 boxes pizza rolls
6 botttles Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce
1 box icecream

The icecream hurt a little because I didn't have a coupon for that. It was a treat for the kiddies...haha. I know it's alot of microwaveable veggies and I know it's alot of lunch meat, but it's summer and the pool is open so who WANTS to cook??? I will throw some meat to bake in the oven, throw the veggies in the microwave, and then put on some rice in the rice cooker. We will eat a quick supper and then hit the pool in the evening. The lunch meat is for lunches at the pool during the day. I DO NOT do this everyday for those of you wondering!


Tracie said...

Hi! Okay you need to come and give me some shopping lessons!!!! You did great. My friend here is trying to get me to do the grocery game but since we are in the process of moving, I just haven't had the desire to have to think about all of that! Have you ever done the grocery game?
Tracie (Jennifer's friend)
Hey are you guys finished with ECC? We're skipping CTG (covering that this summer) and doing RTR next year.

Frugal Home School Mom said...

I didn't know you were moving, where to? I wouldn't recommend the grocery game because you can get the same information at other websites for free. I really recommend and They match up coupons to sales just like grocery game. Of course you can try grocery game for $1.00 I think on a trial basis and that is worth it. When you get settled, I can email you some tips,websites, and blogs if you want. We will be doing CTG in the fall. May I ask why you are doing it in the summer? I loooove MFW!!!